Raptor Games Win @ Dare to be Digital 2012

Raptor Games has won both the audience award and the “Ones to Watch” BAFTA nomination at Dare to be Digital 2012.

I know two of the team members, Hugh Laird (Project Lead) and Andrew Coles (Lead Programmer / Maths), and I am absolutely chuffed to bits for them and their team members. It is a huge achievement to win two awards off the back of a busy final year of their respective degrees! I am so proud of them and their accomplishments, they will cut fine figures in the world of computing!

You can follow them on Twitter @Dare2012_RG. They also have a web site. Staffordshire University has also posted a news article.

Keep in touch!

Importing an Xcode Project into Subversion

Subversion is great. Really, I should say that using code management is a great idea; I just happen to use Subversion. I have been involved with iOS and Cocoa development over the last couple of years and find Subversion to be valuable when working solo or as part of a team.

This post will explain how to get your Xcode 4 project into Subversion. There is a lot to Subversion and I do not intend to cover it all here. I merely intend to get you going.

At time of writing, I am using Xcode 4.3.4 on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. You will need a subversion system; this may be accessed via HTTP or on the local file system. The screen shots shown here display settings used to connect to a Subversion system at Staffordshire University over HTTP. If you are a Staffordshire University student, ask your tutor regarding availability for your module or project.

You will need the following:

  • Xcode 4.3.4 (it will likely work with later versions)
  • Subversion repository details (ask your tutor or technical support for details)
  • An Xcode project to import into Subversion.

Continue reading “Importing an Xcode Project into Subversion”

Kata – Anagrams

I am going to use another kata from Dave Thomas’ Blog again! Anagrams!

Taken Directly:

The challenge is fairly simple: given a file containing one word per line, print out all the combinations of words that are anagrams; each line in the output contains all the words from the input that are anagrams of each other. For example, your program might include in its output:

kinship pinkish
enlist inlets listen silent
boaster boaters borates
fresher refresh
sinks skins
knits stink
rots sort

Use the word List for comparing results.